I am an experienced Trauma Therapist specialising in Anxiety, C-PTSD, Dissociation and Sexual Trauma.

Heather Bradley. Trauma Therapist in Bristol. Bristol Trauma Therapy

My name is Heather Bradley and I have spent the last 10 years working with men and women on the effects of their Traumas. Including many adults who have experienced Childhood Sexual Abuse. Together we step out of the shadows and discover a life of Joy, Freedom and Love.

On this page you will find:

  • A video of my personal story of overcoming Trauma, PTSD and Sexual Abuse
  • Specialisms
  • Qualifications

The reason I became a therapist was because I actually was a client myself and overcame my own battles with Depression, Anxiety, CPTSD, Self-Harm, Suicide Attempts, Addictions, Repressed Memory, Flashbacks, Vaginismus, Intimacy and Trust Problems and Panic Attacks as a result of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Gang Rape.

The way my life changed as a result of the therapies offered to me was simply amazing.

I honestly never believed that I would get better. But I am so happy I was wrong. I immediately went and trained in all the same therapies that had helped me so much to help others like you feel the freedom that comes from taking this journey together.

My life turned around in ways I couldn’t imagine. I never knew it was possible to be happy and feel safe, enjoy loving intimate sex and communicate effectively in relationships. I didn’t know I could believe in myself and feel confident as the person I am. Also, I never knew I would find my voice and be able to share my own story which used to be so full of secrecy and shame. It is because I have experienced this transformation first hand that equips me to help you transform too. I would be honoured to share your journey with you. To create a life of joy, safety, freedom and love.

I really do understand first hand just how debilitating it is to live with the effects of trauma

That is why I am so passionate about letting you know that you can overcome this. You really can. If I can do it you can do it!

If you would like to hear more about my own personal journey, please watch my video below. I go into more detail about what life was like for me living with the effects of my traumas and about my journey of recovery.

TRIGGER WARNING: I talk about sexual abuse, gang rape and self harm. Please only watch this video if you feel safe and secure to do so.

For more videos or to subscribe to my YouTube Channel click here

To like my Facebook page Bristol Trauma Therapy, click here

Heather Bradley My specialisms

I specialise in Trauma, Anxiety, Dissociation and Complex PTSD.

In particular working with Adults who have experienced Sexual Abuse or Childhood Sexual Abuse.

I also work with any Sexual Trauma and the Intimacy Issues and Relationship Issues that arise from that.

Helping you to understand and release the fear response and trauma from your body and to enjoy connecting with your body, reclaiming feelings of pleasure and safety.

I specialise in PTSD flashbacks, panic attacks, dissociative disorders and discharging the freeze response from the body.

I specialise in changing the way we store our traumatic memories. When we have a frightening experience we go into fight or flight. But in a trauma where we can’t get away we go into a freeze response. When this happens our memory never gets stored as a complete or finished memory.

Therefore when we are triggered, we can find ourselves right back there. Sometimes this happens with all of our senses so that we can see, hear and feel ourselves back in time. But sometimes it happens as a body (implicit) memory. So we may feel agitation or fear but not know why.

I work with people to discharge this freeze response so that it is no longer stored in the body. By completing the memory, it is stored differently on a neurological level. This means you realise on a deep subconscious level that the danger is over now and you are safe.

I recently qualified as an EFT trainer (Emotional Freedom Technique). This is very exciting as EFT is my favourite therapy for working with trauma! Now I am now able to train others to become therapists too. It is my personal opinion that anyone who has experienced trauma should learn this fantastic self-help tool.

So if you are reading this and would like to know more about how you can use it in your life, or if you are a therapist that would like another tool to use with your clients, please do contact me. I’d love to hear from you.

Heather Bradley Therapy Qualifications:

Integrated Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming

Life Coaching Practitioner

Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner

Emotional Freedom Technique Advanced Practitioner

Matrix Re-Imprinting Practitioner

Matrix Birth Re-imprinting Practitioner

Emotional Freedom Technique Trainer

Colour Mirrors Practitioner

Reiki Practitioner levels 1 and 2

Various Certificates including Life Coaching, Regression and Counselling

Completed training in Dissociation and DID with Carolyn Spring

I am accredited with EFT international and am fully insured

Heather Bradley

Facebook Page Bristol Trauma Therapy